Learning through play and exploration!
Emergent and High-scope curriculum embed within Alberta's Early Learning and Care framework - FLIGHT.
Emergent curriculum
Letting children lead
Young children are exploratory and highly curious about their surroundings.
​Emergent programming allows children to lead the way and inform their own learning. Staff observe, document, and then plan activities that are catered to the child enabling them to learn about topics and areas of interest.
As infants and young toddlers learn best through play, we incorporate and develop activities and excursions to create meaningful and fun learning experiences.
Our Day-care programs are emergent based.
*Emergent programming and curriculum are derived from Reggio Emilio learning philosophies where children are deemed capable and informed learners. Children lead the way for their learning.
Pre-school and older children are highly capable and ready for active learning.
High-scope curriculum is the ultimate form of emergent curriculum guided by skilled teachers. Educators develop a lesson plan based on a topic of interest and provide activities to allow children to engage and experiment with concepts.
Children are provided with measurable learning outcomes, engage with teachers and peers, and provided feedback and assessments based on their progressive learning. Activities and lessons are centred around play and experience, interactions with others, or events. Children are encouraged to think about applications of their learning outside of the classroom and relate to real-world situations. This includes immersive lessons inside the classroom and on field-trips.
A high-scope curriculum is excellent at preparing children for the routine of a classroom and is the basis of our pre-school programming.
High-Scope curriculum
Providing structure